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Fierce Women Warriors

"The honor of the people lies in the moccasin tracks of the women." ~ Sioux wise man

Currently fundraising for self GPS-tracking alert system jewelry for women on Montana & Wyoming Native American Reservations.


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I am on a mission to help serve women and girls in the Native communities of Wyoming & Montana. As I learned more of the crisis facing them, I wanted to find out what we could really do to help. I have been fortunate to be included into the "Aunties" and helped raise funds to bring Native women to self defense workshops, which has proven to help girls get away from their predators. But there are times that it doesn't work, and then I found INVISAWEAR. Discrete GPS tracking jewlery. My goal is to raise $30,000 in my birth month of June to provide enough tracking jewelry and the subscriptions for the Crow and Shoshone women. Will you join me? This jewelry I know firsthand can save a girls life. I hear their stories, I know their mothers and grandmothers, we are out searching for girls gone missing with no support from the government. It is a complicated problem, and this is one way to give girls and women a chance to be found.

The Hard Truth of Native kidnapping or abuse: 

60% Of victims don’t file a police report

80% Of victims maintain contact with the abuser

10x Native American women face murder rates that are more than 10 times the national average.

About the Project

The Fierce Women Warriors Society vows to support, Empower, and mentor those women in need. We are dedicated in the services to our people by giving back to our communities. We are dedicated in mentoring the Fierce Women Warriors of the future. The current projects that we are focus on is the prevention of the violence against Native women and a way of protecting ourselves in the 21st century. For FWWS we are currently developing Women’s Self Defense workshop and teaching mindfulness in the age of technology. We have currently been fundraising for self GPS tracking alert system jewelry. 







This necklace could save a life.™

  • The charm on the necklace has a hidden button on the backside.

  • If you push the button two times, it immediately texts up to five friends/family members to let them know that you need help.

  • The text message sends them a link to your exact GPS location.

  • It works with a mobile app that you install on your phone. The simple setup allows you to choose up to five people that you'd like to notify.

  • The app also allows you to choose an optional Contact 9-1-1 feature (U.S. Only) which can share your location with 9-1-1 dispatchers during an emergency.

  • You can also set your phone to play an alarm to deter the attacker or attract other people nearby.

  • No charging necessary!

Our Vision

Communities where Native women and girls are free from violence in all of its forms. There are abundant and cooperative social, financial and legal resources to create a sustainable network for protecting and supporting women and girls in need.


Each Montana reservation has Fierce Women Warriors who have created their own multigenerational resiliency network of strong empowered women who are leaders, mentors and defenders.

We Believe

She is the prototype for women of the future.


  • She has a strong spiritual foundation.

  • She believes in herself.

  • She is an ally to herself and others

  • She is never embarrassed to ask for what she wants or needs.

  • She speaks of her experience as she chooses. She is not trapped or silenced by the events in her life. Her story empowers her & those who hear it.

  • She does not minimalize her intelligence attributes or any other strong characteristics.

  • She is not passive and indecisive. 

  • She believes in being a full, worthy and authentic contributor in life. She knows that a heartfelt contributor makes an imprint on  her life, her family, her community and all that is.

  • She refuses to believe in the antiquated idea that one become less agile and more infirmed with age.

  • She recognizes that her energy is best utilized in assessing, challenging, and overcoming  adversities rather than whining and complaining about the negative circumstances in her life.

  • She becomes more powerful, strong, resilient, kind & understanding with time and by working through adversities. 

  • She is not afraid to fail, knowing that failure is part of  life.

  • She is not afraid to succeed, knowing that she deserves true happiness.

  • She sees what is before her, behind her & within her.

  • She honors her ancestors before her because she know her life is precious. She was born, so she deserve to be here. 

  • She stands up to take her place in the world.


Fierce Women Warriors Society was established in 2019  by a multi-generational group of Native women concerned about the safety and welfare of women in their communities.  Our goal is to help individuals to find solutions for their immediate problem as well as create tools, resources and support for long term behavioral change.


Our initial target group is young at risk women. We are deeply concerned about the staggering number of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) and the recent heart breaking cases of young women on Montana Reservations. These cases emphasized the lack of resources, limited investigation and institutional apathy when Native women are reported missing in Montana.


We intend to serve as advocates and community liaisons and will network with other organizations, foundations and institutions who share our vision to support and empower Native women.  One of our first activities, A Self-Defense workshop, was held on December 2022, at Montana State University in Bozeman.  The event was made possible by our networking with the community, area professionals and the MSU chapter of MMIW.   We hope to network with others on Montana reservations to offer this program as well as establishing talking circles and support groups in the future. 


We are a non profit organization, A Mother's Earth, a 501c3, nonprofit organization recognized by the IRS.

Your contributions are tax deductible.

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